Welcome to the Sheffield City Council Asset Management System

Migration to New Asset Management System (Tf Web)

The Sheffield City Council Asset Management System (TF Web) that schools access to view any facilities management documentation (servicing / compliance documentation for example) is currently being decommissioned and all data is being migrated over to a new system.

The new system CPM (Civica Property Management) was formally known as TF Cloud and is the upgraded cloud-based version of TF Web.

The migration to the new system is due to start on Monday 2nd December and should take approximately two weeks to complete. During this period, you will still be able to access TF Web but no new information will be added to it.

As the new site goes live, the link to the new system will be posted both on Tf Web and Schoolpoint along with a guide for accessing the new system and navigating your way around.

Should you require any additional support, we are available to provide training over teams early in the new year or arrange for a team member to visit your site if needed.

Please do not hesitate to contact katy.macbeath@sheffield.gov.uk if you have any questions.


The information on the Sheffield City Council Asset Management System gives property managers direct access to their live asset management data. It has been developed in recognition of the increasing use of asset data in managing and developing buildings.

Some information can be accessed without logging into the system and is available under 'Useful Information'.

Other documents including floor plans, energy certificates, asbestos reports and servicing documentation can be found by logging into the system and accessing the documents section of the website.

Please login below..

News News 

Useful Information  

Academies and TF Web - Information on Academy School access to TF Web

Permission to Work Form - Complete your Permission to Work for electronically. If you have not completed this form before, please contact us to have your permissions updated.

Permission to Work Form User Instructions - Guidance on completing the electronic Permission to Work form.

Communication Process for Zurich Insurance Inspections - Information on how Schools should now access their Crimson Insurance Inspection Reports.

Trouble Logging into TF Web - Guidance on the general issue where the system reverts to a blank log in screen when you attempt to log in.

Renewable Energy Guidance and Application Form - Guidance setting out Transport and Facilities Management's policy towards offers by third parties to install their own renewable electricity generation equipment "free of charge" on Sheffield City Council Schools. A permission to work application must also be made.

Asbestos Register - The Sheffield City Council T&FM Compliance Asbestos Register is now available.

Other Links

Visit the Sheffield City Council website for council news and information.

Access more school information through SchoolPoint365.


Please use this website with Internet Explorer only, other browsers may not work correctly.

If you have forgotten your password please contact the Transport and Facilities Management Team on pfmcontactcentre@sheffield.gov.uk


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